
Soft Drink

Best qualities of various flavoures of Ozzat makes people to drink this authentic soft drink.


Our company presents the delicious companion of variety of flavours which contain Jeraajoy, Oranjoy, Limbu Masala and many others.

Why People liked

Tasteful , rich colours and one of the best drink that attracts people madly, One and only Ozzat.

Lemon Masala

with refreshing taste lemon and pani are the delicious refreshing drinks for all seasons.

Nimbu paani also as called lemon water, is one of the healthiest and easiest to make.Having said that, it has many health benefits if included in your day to day life.

Jeera Masal

Jeera Masala transforms ordinary dishes into extraordinary culinary experiences.

Let the symphony of flavors in Jeera Masala transport you to the bustling streets of India, where every spice tells a story of tradition and indulgence